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28. Okt. 20204 Min. Lesezeit
Ein Tier sehen
Ein Minutenexperiment: Sehen, Wahrnehmen von etwas anderem, einem anderen Wesen. Erst mal langsam herangehen. Das andere Wesen ist in...
16. Okt. 20203 Min. Lesezeit
Wie man den Hasen die Situation erklärt
Wie geht es dem Octopus, der von Menschen betrachtet wird? Ist das nicht sehr unhöflich, andere voyeuristisch so zu vereinnahmen? Bei...
8. Okt. 20203 Min. Lesezeit
In Verbindung oder Going Slightly Mad
Selbstinszenierungen egomanischer Herrscher sind heute ebenso en vogue wie zu monarchischen Zeiten. Sie werden medial sogar noch viel...
30. Sept. 20202 Min. Lesezeit
Unerwartete Gefühle
Gestern mit der Artificial Intelligence einer Bank kommuniziert, und ich muß sagen, das Roboterwesen ist mir irgendwie ans Herz gewachsen...
21. Sept. 20203 Min. Lesezeit
Please Don’t Go Extinct
The disappearance of biodiversity also means that with every single lost species, a way to master and enjoy life disappears. Countless...
14. Sept. 20202 Min. Lesezeit
Red Silence
A figure dressed in white with long silver hair moves gracefully and in slow motion in front of the fountain at the Vienna Opera -...
6. Sept. 20203 Min. Lesezeit
Real Fairies
Walking in the forest, despite a light drizzle, that keeps the others from going for a walk. Scent of forest soil, earthy tones with a...
30. Aug. 20203 Min. Lesezeit
What Soul can mean
Living beings share an inner instrument of communication known as Psyche, or Soul. Psyche is an instrument of connection, of...
23. Aug. 20202 Min. Lesezeit
Normal Animal Persons
Zebra and Okapi have decided to recite a short explanation of colonization because they found the recent discussions and demonstrations...
15. Aug. 20202 Min. Lesezeit
Embracing Variety
Variety can be seen as a quality: The “other” constitutes a positive element of my experiences in life. With this positive attitude it is...
7. Aug. 20203 Min. Lesezeit
Out of Our Heads
- Say, Okapi, did I misunderstand something? This is supposed to be about connectedness. Zebra shakes its head with that short punk mane....
31. Juli 20205 Min. Lesezeit
Food has gained a high level of importance, apart from being an existential necessity. These days discussions about eating are to be...
24. Juli 20203 Min. Lesezeit
Meanings of Matter or the Dreaded Comparison
Matter means physicality and embodiment. Non-human animals communicate - often with greater finesse than human ones - through body...
17. Juli 20203 Min. Lesezeit
What's wrong with sapiens sapiens?
-What's wrong with sapiens sapiens? I've been wondering that for a while now. They always fake rationality, as if they had understood the...
10. Juli 20205 Min. Lesezeit
Physical Connotations
What will happen now with the changes after the crisis? About food, for example. Is what has been demanded for decades finally being...
3. Juli 20205 Min. Lesezeit
No going Back to Normal
If everyone were to respond to the prosaic roar of those who dismiss the changeability of the world and its social conditions as an...
25. Juni 20203 Min. Lesezeit
No meaning if not Shared
A message that only arrives through feeling as a means of transport: when something (new) is communicated, a new insight for example, it...
18. Juni 20203 Min. Lesezeit
Formations of Truth
Monira Al Gadiri's exhibition "Holy Quarter" in Munich's Haus der Kunst unfolds a floating hypnotic atmosphere. Large black pearls in...
Niccolò Lucarelli
11. Juni 20204 Min. Lesezeit
Does humanity even deserve to survive?
Guest contribution by art critic and essayist on military history Niccolò Lucarelli Maybe, a provocative thought. Anyway: during forced...
4. Juni 20202 Min. Lesezeit
Together we Stand, Divided we Fall.
The right to live is a given and does not depend on colour, size, species, utility or anything else. Oppression mechanisms use similar...
Blogeinträge erscheinen auf Deutsch und darunter Englisch oder andersherum.
Blog entries on by Susanne Magdalena Karr and curated guests cover topics from philosophy and connectedness. Published unregularly.
Blogeinträge auf von Susanne Magdalena Karr und eingeladenen Gästen beschäftigen sich mit Philosophie und Verbundenheit . Veröffentlicht in unregelmäßigen Abständen.
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